" 很可惜只有看到最後一集!(全系列共五集)
(Reuter's reviewer)
As this superlative series comes to a close, Andrew Marr shows no sign of taking his foot off the accelerator. Flapping his hands expressively, he roars through the John Major years and takes off into the bright new dawn that was Tony Blair's New Labour, relishing every news report and every salacious anecdote equally. He's an irresistible storyteller, with an ability to make even something as potentially dull as the Exchange Rate Mechanism seem sexy. Which is no mean feat. There are plenty of deliciously naughty stories, such as the alleged conversation between Major and the editor of The Sun (too rude to repeat here), as well as many serious moments, including the London bombings of 2005. And, inevitably, there's footage of what is arguably the most star-studded event a prime minister has ever hosted at Number Ten: the champagne reception in 1997 where the likes of Noel Gallagher from Oasis, comedian Eddie Izzard and designer Vivienne Westwood raised a glass to Cool Britannia. Despite cataloguing some 50 years of turbulent British history, Marr ends the series on a reassuringly upbeat note. "To be born British," he smiles, "remains a fantastic stroke of luck." RT reviewer - Jane Rackham
1. First Gulf War gave John Major a early taste of victory.
2. World Wide Web invention by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
3. Tready establishing the European Union, aka Maastricht Treaty, negotiated and signed by John Major with two major victory for the Britons: (1) an opt-out from the single currency 'euro' and 'keep the British Sterling', (2) an opt-out of the 'Social Chapter' (but later the Labour government cancelled the opt-out and agreed to sign the Social Chapter, enforced in Amsterdam Treaty).
4. Black Wednesday (16/09/92) : John Major's government insisted to raise the interest rate and to stay in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), eventually lost the battle to international speculators and withdrew from the ERM.
5. Emerging Crime, Poverty and Violence: and John proposed a failed campaign 'Back to Basic' with many scandals of his cabinet.
6. Growth of Labour Party: John Miller, with a sudden and unexpected death from a heart attack, was succeeded by Tony Blair, who pledged to have the 'New Labour, New Britain'. The show also depicted the negotiation and settlement between Tony and Gordon Brown about who will be the leader of the Labour Party. (搭配這段敘述的背景音樂選了當時最紅的Bittersweet Symphony以及Common People!!讚!)
7. Princess Diana died and Blair won an astonishing 90% popularity.
8. F1 got exemption from Labour government's policy to ban tobacco advertisement in sports related industry. And Tony got away from the accusation of the alleged F1 donation to Labour Party.
9. UK Devolution, with the establishment of Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, and a proposed Northern Ireland Assembly (according to 1998 Belfast Agreement).
10. The disastrous Millenium Dome: what for?
11. The September 11: Britain's solidarity with the Americans that allowed Tony to pledge a 'War on Terrorism' followed by 0.3m anti-war protest in London, biggest ever in 60 years, and the suicide of Dr. David Kelly.
12. 7/7/05 London Explosion: all terrorists are british.
13. Economic Stronger ever with low inflation, solid purchasing power, the last national identity.
14. Step down of Tony Blair
1 則留言:
This programme is going to replay again this week Fri 20 Jul, 20:00-21:00 in BBC4, in fact i have record all parts, if you need let me know. 99110202@brookes.ac.uk